Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tummy troubles

Some of you may know that little Maya has had trouble gaining weight. She spits up a large amount on occasion and seemed to be uncomfortable when eating. The pediatrician thought she might have reflux, so she prescribed her Zantac. I hate that she has to be on a medicine so young, so I hope she really needs it. She has a new formula that has a thickener that is supposed to keep her from spitting up as much. She was supposed to gain her birth weight in 2 weeks, but it took her almost 3. She had only gained 2 ounces in like a week and a half and once she started the new formula and Zantac, she gained 4 ounces in 3 days! She is making progress, but the doctor would still like her to gain more weight. She still continues to spit up and I am worried sometimes she is not getting enough :(  Mommy is working hard feeding her every 3 hours and keeping her awake to finish her bottle.

Weight check

All the things it takes to keep a baby fed and happy!!

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