Saturday, November 12, 2011

Three Weeks!

Wow. I can't believe it's been three weeks already. It's gone by fast. I think we're are settling into more of a routine now. There have been some tough times when both Maya and her mommy are crying at the same time, but there's been lots of good times too! I guess this is parenthood :) Maya and I have made many outings together... walks around the neighborhood, restaurants and shopping and she's been pretty calm so far! Getting out of the house feels wonderful.

First off, Maya is doing much better with her weight gain! She now weighs 7 pounds. She is still a very small baby, in the 5th percentile for height and weight. Maybe she'll catch up later or just be a petite child.

I think she is starting to pay more attention to things around her, or being able to see better, she stares at the mobile on her bouncer and swing very intently.

For some reason if she is crying and I lay her down to change her diaper, she stops!! Aren't most babies opposite?

Sometimes when she sneezes, it sounds like she is saying "thank you" afterwards.

I have to be careful not to get her overtired / overstimulated because then she is very hard to put to bed!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tummy troubles

Some of you may know that little Maya has had trouble gaining weight. She spits up a large amount on occasion and seemed to be uncomfortable when eating. The pediatrician thought she might have reflux, so she prescribed her Zantac. I hate that she has to be on a medicine so young, so I hope she really needs it. She has a new formula that has a thickener that is supposed to keep her from spitting up as much. She was supposed to gain her birth weight in 2 weeks, but it took her almost 3. She had only gained 2 ounces in like a week and a half and once she started the new formula and Zantac, she gained 4 ounces in 3 days! She is making progress, but the doctor would still like her to gain more weight. She still continues to spit up and I am worried sometimes she is not getting enough :(  Mommy is working hard feeding her every 3 hours and keeping her awake to finish her bottle.

Weight check

All the things it takes to keep a baby fed and happy!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Two weeks

Today Maya is already two weeks old! It's been a blur of diapers, bottles and burps. Most nights she lets me get about 6 hours of sleep (not straight through, but it's good enough!). She's been smiling more, especially when falling asleep. She's been through all kinds of torture the past week... she had to go back to the hospital to get her PKU test and she got her first bath. She liked the bath until we had to wash her back, then she cried harder than I have ever heard her cry...poor wee bit. She also had her first Whole Foods trip, yay! Also we celebrated her first Halloween, which meant her sleeping through all the trick or treaters, and she didn't even get any candy! :(